The College Solutions Blog

Valuable insights from Lynn O’Shaughnessy
a nationally recognized college expert.

Featured image for “Save Money By Reading This Book”
March 1, 2013

Save Money By Reading This Book

I’ve got to confess that it’s rare that I find a book about college strategies that I like. Today I wanted to share with you a book that I actually believe is helpful. The name of the book is Right College, Right Price: A New System for Discovering the Best College Fit at the Best Price.  Frank Palmasani, who is...
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Featured image for “Are Merit Scholarships Fair?”
January 29, 2013

Are Merit Scholarships Fair?

I wanted to share this note that I got today from a mother, who wonders about the fairness of merit aid scholarship policies. In my next post, I’ll comment on Rebecca’s note. I’d urge you to share your thoughts on this subject in the comment box below. — Lynn O’Shaughnessy Hi Lynn, I would love it if you would write...
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Featured image for “Where the Full-Ride Sports Scholarships Are”
January 25, 2013

Where the Full-Ride Sports Scholarships Are

I’m devoting my college blog to athletic scholarships again today. If you missed my last post on sports scholarships, here it is: Can This Teen Win a Sports Scholarship? When parents dream of sports scholarships, they are typically hoping for full-ride scholarships. There are, however, precious few of them. There are only six NCAA sports where athletes have a good...
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Featured image for “Can This Teen Win a Sports Scholarship?”
January 23, 2013

Can This Teen Win a Sports Scholarship?

I wanted to share an email that I got awhile ago from a dad whose son is a senior. I overlooked this email until now so any advice might be too late for this family, but others might benefit. Here is the dad’s questions: My oldest son is graduating high school this June/ 2013. One college is looking at him...
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Featured image for “6 Ways to Get Help on the PROFILE and FAFSA”
January 21, 2013

6 Ways to Get Help on the PROFILE and FAFSA

Are you intimated at the prospects of tackling your financial aid applications? Join the crowd. It’s easy to make mistakes on the forms and these errors could cost you a ton of money. Resources exist, however, to help you survive the process. Here are six resources to get you started: 1. Use FAFSA on the Web. The federal government can...
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Featured image for “Can This Family Ask for More Merit Aid?”
January 18, 2013

Can This Family Ask for More Merit Aid?

I’m answering a quick financial aid question that I received on my Facebook page. Plenty of parents are asking the same question. Lynn O’Shaughnessy Mom’s Question: My son applied Early Action to a number of colleges and has gotten into a variety of them with varying amounts of merit aid. Even with this aid, the schools are still very expensive....
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Featured image for “Answering a Dad’s Financial Aid Question”
January 14, 2013

Answering a Dad’s Financial Aid Question

Today I’m answering a question from a father, who is puzzled by the Expected Family Contribution figure he generated when using an EFC calculator. I think my answer to him will be helpful for just about anybody who will eventually be filing for financial aid. If you don’t understand what the term EFC is, please read this post first:  What...
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Featured image for “Answering Your Financial Aid Questions”
January 11, 2013

Answering Your Financial Aid Questions

I’ve been asking visitors to my college blog and Facebook page this week to send me questions regarding the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE. I am sharing some of their questions and my answers today because I know other people are just as puzzled about aspects of these two financial aid applications. If you...
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Featured image for “It’s Time for FAFSA Questions”
January 9, 2013

It’s Time for FAFSA Questions

Now that we’re officially into the 2013-2014 FAFSA season, I wanted to answer some questions on my college blog that I’ve gotten about financial aid forms. If you have your own questions, please leave them in the comment box below. Lynn O’Shaughnessy Mom’s question: Try as I might I still can’t get my hands around the whole financial aid picture. ...
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Featured image for “8 Financial Aid Mistakes to Avoid”
January 7, 2013

8 Financial Aid Mistakes to Avoid

It’s extremely easy to make financial aid mistakes. Paula Bishop, a CPA friend of mine in Bellevue, WA., who has filled out countless financial aid forms for clients, tells me that she’s never seen any parent complete a  application without at least one mistake.  Now that’s depressing and it can also be costly if you insert even one error in...
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