Valuable insights from Lynn O’Shaughnessy
a nationally recognized college expert.
Liberal Arts Colleges

November 25, 2013
Why Colleges Are Stressed About Filling Their Seats
The prospect of rejection is one of the most stressful aspects of the college admission process. In reality, however, most students don’t have to fear rejection. In its annual survey of college freshmen, UCLA always seems to find that at least 75% of students are accepted into their first-choice school. Today, I wanted to share a study, conducted by Inside Higher...
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March 7, 2013
A Look at Where 15,600 Liberal Arts Grads Got Jobs
Today I’m sharing a post written by David Kochanek, who is the publisher of, a site dedicated to providing students and parents with the information they need to make intelligent college decisions. In his post he examines the the beauty of pursuing a liberal arts degree from the perspective of Williams College, an elite institution, which has tracked where...
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December 24, 2012
A Welcome Break from College
I wanted to wish everyone who visits my college blog a happy holiday. Unless you are a high school senior or the parent of one, I’d suggest this is an excellent time to forget about college for a week. That’s what I intend to do, which is why I won’t be writing any more blog posts until 2013. I am...
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December 3, 2012
What is the Difference Between Colleges and Universities?
Today’s post comes courtesy of a new website,, which was created by David Kochanek after he realized that there wasn’t a single online source dedicated to all liberal arts colleges. As some of you know, I’m a huge admirer of liberal arts colleges and both of my children ended up at one. I believe liberal arts colleges represent the...
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October 10, 2012
Surprise: Where Harvard Law Students Got Their Undergrad Degrees
Today I’m passing along a fascinating list that comes from Harvard Law School. The list you see below includes the 261 colleges and universities where members of the Class of 2013 law school students come from. Michelle Kretzschmur, the creator of Do-It-Yourself College Rankings sent me the link to the list because she knows how strongly I believe that students...
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October 3, 2012
50 Schools That Produce the Most Science and Engineering PhD’s
Note: I ran this college blog post last year, but it’s equally relevant today… I got an email this week from a California mother who was happy that her child would be a attending St. Mary’s College of Maryland, a wonderful public liberal arts college, in the fall. Her husband, however, remained skeptical. He worried that his daughter would be...
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September 14, 2012
A Trailblazer Slashes College Tuition by 33%
A report released on Wednesday from the U.S. Census Bureau documents what a lot of people have been feeling for many years. Household income has been eroding for so long that it has now fallen to levels last seen in 1995. Median household income is now at an inflation-adjusted $50,054, which is 8.9 percent below its all-time high of $54,932...
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June 18, 2012
College + Degree = Joke?
With the cost of college so daunting, families are understandably more interested than ever in finding schools where their children can grow academically and secure good jobs when they graduate. That’s not an unreasonable request and yet quite a bit of evidence exists that millions of students have not been learning much in college. In fact, the diplomas that many...
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May 1, 2012
Agonizing Before the Buzzer Rings
The time for agonizing is over. It’s college decision day which means the parents of high school seniors have little time left before they must put down their college deposits. As the deadline loomed, I heard from families, who were stressed about their decisions and, in some cases, how they were going to pay the tab. I thought I’d share...
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April 30, 2012
An Awesome College Admission Success Story
May 1 is college decision day. That’s the day each year when many colleges and universities across the country require high school seniors to make a final decision about where they will attend school in the fall. Seniors must notify their No. 1 pick by putting down a deposit to secure their spot in the next freshman class. I’d love...
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