Valuable insights from Lynn O’Shaughnessy
a nationally recognized college expert.
College Savings

March 2, 2020
Capturing a 529 tax break in just 24 hours
Here’s a super quick way to cut your college costs: Deposit money into a 529 account for just 24 hours. After putting money into a 529 account, you can quickly turn around and withdraw the cash to pay for your child’s college tuition and other qualified expenses. In most states, you can claim a state tax deduction – or even...
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May 8, 2017
Success Story! Saying No to a Dream College
Last month I heard from many parents agonizing about whether to let their teenagers attend their dream colleges. These dream colleges were inevitably highly selective to elite universities which cost $65,000 to $70,000 a year! I don’t believe any college or universities is worth paying that kind of money! My most recent blog post, which originally ran in 2014, focused...
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February 22, 2016
Claim This Higher-Ed Tax Credit
If you have a child in college, do you qualify for a federal tax credit or tax deduction? These are valuable tax benefits that can help you defray the rising cost of a college degree and yet some parents have no idea that they exist or whether they would qualify. American Opportunity Tax Credit For eligible parents, the best federal...
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September 1, 2015
Don’t make this dangerous college mistake
Here is what typically happens during college admission season: Students apply to whatever colleges they want without having any clue about whether these schools will give them grants and/or scholarships. Parents are often onboard with their children disregarding price when finalizing their lists. The attitude of these moms and dads can be summed up this way: Go ahead and apply...
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May 7, 2015
This Week: Learn 4 Ways to Cut College Costs
I am inviting you to attend my webinar on Tuesday or Thursday that will explain four ways that you can cut your college costs. For your convenience, I am offering two webinar dates: May 12 (Tuesday), 5:30 p.m. PDT Register here. May 14 (Thursday), Noon PDT Register here. Everyone who registers for one of the webinar dates will receive the...
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April 28, 2015
Your Crucial 1st Step Before Looking for Colleges
If paying for college is going to be a challenge, and it usually is, it’s important that you obtain your Expected Family Contribution before your begin looking at colleges with your teenagers. In fact, obtaining your EFC should be the FIRST STEP you take in the college process. Here is a quick rundown of what an EFC is, why it’s important, how...
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January 22, 2015
Let Lynn Teach You How to Cut the Cost of College
Like millions of other parents, are you stressing about how exactly you are supposed to pay for college? I can help. Beginning on Feb. 10, I will be offering my online course for parents of teenagers that will focus on how you can cut your college costs. Course for Parents with Teenagers Here is where you can learn much more...
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September 14, 2014
Are You Confused and Frustrated?
If you have a teenager who will be heading to college some day, you probably are frustrated and confused. It’s hard to find answers when you are looking for ways to cut your college costs. It’s equally frustrating for financial advisors, high school counselors and independent college consultants who would like to assist their families make college more affordable, but...
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May 5, 2014
Saying No to Northwestern University
A highly effective way to make college more affordable is to enroll in my upcoming course, The College Cost Lab. You can learn more about the class and enroll here. Lynn O’Shaughnessy Will your child end up going to his or her dream school? The odds are that your child won’t if the college or university is a rankings alpha...
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April 27, 2014
We Are Done Paying for College
Last month, my husband and I sent off our final college payment. Bruce and I made monthly payments for seven consecutive years for our daughter Caitlin and our son Ben, who will be graduating from college in May. We did not take out any loans to pay for college and neither did our children. Our daughter Caitlin took the picture...
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