Valuable insights from Lynn O’Shaughnessy
a nationally recognized college expert.

December 17, 2012
8 Things You Need to Know About Private College Scholarships
Winning private college scholarships can certainly help make college more affordable, but you need to know the realities of competing for college cash. My pet peeve about private scholarships is that people assume that they are the biggest source of college cash when they are really the puniest. Before you start hunting for private college scholarships, here are eight facts...
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November 14, 2012
Need Aware vs. Need Blind Colleges
My last post focused on whether families should indicate on a college application whether they will seek financial aid. Here’s my position: if you need financial aid to attend college, you should apply for aid. In case you missed it, here is the post: Why Failing to Apply for Financial Aid Can Be a Mistake My post prompted a mom...
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November 12, 2012
Why Failing to File for Financial Aid Can Be a Mistake
Here’s a variation of a question that I always get at this time of year: Someone told me yesterday that it’s better to answer “No” to the “Do you intend to apply for need based financial aid” question on the Common Application. My son has already submitted his applications and he answered “yes” to that question as we are not...
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November 6, 2012
What is Your Expected Family Contribution?
Do you know what your Expected Family Contribution is? If you don’t, you should make it a priority to obtain this number. I’d argue that families need to know what their preliminary EFC is before they begin looking at colleges. Unfortunately, most families don’t have a clue about what their EFC is until their children are seniors in high school...
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November 2, 2012
Is Your College Account a Ticking Money Bomb?
Many parents worry that their college savings accounts will kill their chances for financial aid. If that’s what you’re stressing about, here’s my advice: take a deep breath! Most families who save for college are not hurt in student financial aid considerations. Why Your Savings Won’t Hurt Financial Aid Chances Here are the two biggest reasons why saving money often...
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October 31, 2012
The Weakest Link in the College Admission Process
Just how prepared are high school counselors to do their jobs? The College Board has released a new report that suggests that counselors don’t believe they received adequate training to perform their jobs at the level they would like. I am mentioning this study because it focuses on an area that I feel passionately about. Many high school counselors are...
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October 24, 2012
A Great New Tool to Pinpoint Financial Aid Awards
Earlier this year, I wrote a college blog post after hearing from an affluent mom in Washington state named Lynne, who used 66 net price calculators (!!) to determine which schools would offer the best awards to her bright daughter. Making Cost Comparisons a Snap It can take a long time to using these invaluable net price calculators and clearly...
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October 15, 2012
Taking a Chance on an Early Decision
I’m sharing an email that I received from an anxious dad in North Carolina, who asked me for advice about an early decision application. I ran this post last year, but it will be just as helpful today for those contemplating applying to colleges via early decision. Here is what the dad wrote: Dilemma from a Dad from North Carolina...
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October 5, 2012
Net Price Calculator Hanky Panky
I’d love to hear from parents who have tried using the net price calculators that nearly every college and university must post on their websites. Have you had good experiences or have the net price calculators tried to trick you into believing that a school is going to be affordable? I’ll mention why I am asking in a minute. First...
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September 28, 2012
4 Stubborn Financial Aid Myths
Many of the misconceptions that people possess about the college process revolve around financial aid. So with the college admission season heading into high gear, I am sharing the four financial aid myths that are probably the most common. Myth No. 1: I make too much money to qualify for aid. You shouldn’t automatically assume that you won’t qualify for...
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