Valuable insights from Lynn O’Shaughnessy
a nationally recognized college expert.
St. Olaf College

April 1, 2013
College Fly-In Programs
This is the time of year when high school seniors are visiting campuses that they hope will help them determine, once and for all, where they will be attending college in the fall. Many schools have accepted student weekends geared towards influencing teenagers’ decisions. These schools will often put visiting teenagers in dorms for the weekend and host special events...
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September 7, 2012
Ben Travels to Budapest
Today I wanted to share some pictures taken before and after my husband and I took our son Ben to the airport. Ben, who is a junior at Beloit College, is spending the semester in Hungary through St. Olaf College’s Budapest Semesters in Mathematics program. A week after quitting his summer job working at a restaurant at Sea World, Ben...
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June 19, 2012
Sharing a College’s Return on Investment
In my last post I discussed a serious dilemma facing families searching for colleges. When we send our teenagers off to college, we expect that our children will return to us smarter, wiser and employable. But it’s nearly impossible to determine which schools are in the best position to help make this happen. Here is the post: College + Degree...
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