Valuable insights from Lynn O’Shaughnessy
a nationally recognized college expert.
Finding colleges
February 13, 2012
Getting Ideas for a College List
It’s intimidating when families hear that there are thousands of colleges and universities in this country. It’s equally unnerving when families try to grapple with this question: Where do you find ideas? This week I hope to share some suggestions on web resources that can help you start collecting college candidates. The first one to the plate is College Results...
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May 18, 2010
How Many Hours Does It Take to Research Colleges?
Zillow, where you can find out how much your house is worth, has released a survey that suggests that Americans only spend five hours researching mortgages. That’s the same amount of time that Americans spend planning vacations. It’s significantly less time than the 10 hours that consumers devote to buying a car, which is obviously a much smaller purchase. That...
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April 12, 2010
College Search: 6 Ways to Find the Right College
Where do you begin a college search? When you research colleges, you’re going to want to find schools that will provide your teenagers with an excellent education and get them out the door in four years. But how do you even start such a daunting college search? Scattered around my blog, I’ve written plenty about how to conduct a college...
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April 5, 2010
Finding Great Colleges: A Handy Cheat Sheet
I am in Paris this week — at the tail end of a family vacation visiting my daughter, who is studying this year at the University of Barcelona. I’d rather be out exploring Paris and eating chocolate so I’m rerunning one of my favorite posts that explains how students can find wonderful colleges that might not normally be on their...
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October 8, 2009
The Latest Trend: Online College Matchmaking
How do teenagers find great colleges? Traditional ways have included buying a copy of one of those big, fat guidebooks such as Princeton Review’s The Best 371 Colleges and the Fiske Guide to Colleges. Or teenagers look at US News’ college rankings. Today, however, you can discover higher-ed possibilities by turning to online college matchmakers. Here are two popular matchmakers:...
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