Why I Chose Yale – Not

If you haven’t seen the campy You Tube musical called “Why I Chose Yale, you might want to check it out. I imagine that watching it will only increase the anxiety of any parent or high school student who thinks Yale (or some other Ivy League school) is the only higher-ed trophy worth bagging.

If you feel that way, or even if you don’t, I’d urge you to look at a post that I wrote yesterday for my other college blog gig over at CBSMoneyWatch that shares the confession of an Ivy League mom, who has been experiencing regrets about her children’s choice of Yale. Her sons attended one of those expensive private high schools that serve as a breeding ground for Ivy League recruits and her family is steeped in Yale tradition. There wasn’t any question where her sons would land.

The ulterior motive for my post, 5 Reasons to Attend a Liberal Arts College, was actually to direct bright students in another possible direction. I hope you check it out.

Lynn O’Shaughnessy is the author of The College Solution, an Amazon bestseller. Follow her on Twitter.


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  1. What Yale has to offer is stunning. That doesn’t mean there aren’t other great schools. The fact that one mother has a problem isn’t a reason to knock the school. My guess is that more students/parents regret chosing others schools than those that regret going to Yale. The college a student should attend is one that fits them the best. That may be Yale, Williams, Uchicago or it could be an in-state school.