Valuable insights from Lynn O’Shaughnessy
a nationally recognized college expert.
Study abroad
September 7, 2012
Ben Travels to Budapest
Today I wanted to share some pictures taken before and after my husband and I took our son Ben to the airport. Ben, who is a junior at Beloit College, is spending the semester in Hungary through St. Olaf College’s Budapest Semesters in Mathematics program. A week after quitting his summer job working at a restaurant at Sea World, Ben...
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August 6, 2012
Studying Abroad: What Parents Need to Know
Below you’ll find a guest blog that Bob Bessette, the father of a rising senior at Bowdoin College in Maine, wrote. This post first appeared on my college blog in December when Bessette’s daughter was finishing up her semester abroad in Ireland. I am rerunning this blog post primarily because my own son Ben, who is a rising junior at...
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February 22, 2012
Studying Abroad: Where Are the Guys?
This is the time of year when college students are making plans to study overseas in the fall. Many students attend colleges overseas during their junior year. Curiously enough, most of those students are women. Young men only represent about a third of the 270,600 American students studying overseas. That percentage, by the way, has remained about the same for...
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December 27, 2010
What You Need to Know About Studying Abroad
If your child plans to study abroad while while in college, you need to prepare yourself. I wrote an blog post for CBS MoneyWatch that discusses what parents and students need to know about studying abroad based on the experience of my own daughter Caitlin, who attended the University of Barcelona for a year. You can find all the advice...
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October 6, 2008
The 10 Secrets of America's Best Colleges
I’ve always been a nag about college rankings. It’s unfortunate that the first yardstick that many families grab when they are measuring schools is the annual US college rankings by U.S. News & World Reports. Simply whining about college rankings, however, isn’t very helpful, which is why I’m excited about a new report that was released today by the Association...
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