Valuable insights from Lynn O’Shaughnessy
a nationally recognized college expert.
Evaluating colleges

February 13, 2013
The New Federal College Scorecard
In his State of the Union address last night, President Obama struck a blow for higher-ed transparency. In his address, Obama announced the release of a new College Scorecard that, he said, “parents and students can use to compare schools based on a simple criteria: where you can get the most bang for your educational buck.” Every school now has...
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April 10, 2012
10 Ways to Pick a College
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I’ve been getting questions from parents who are agonizing about where their teenagers should attend college. It’s a tough decision and time is running out to pick the winners. The national deposit day for freshman is May 1. Here are some of choices facing a family that contacted me yesterday: College of Wooster, University...
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