Valuable insights from Lynn O’Shaughnessy
a nationally recognized college expert.
Divorce and financial aid
March 13, 2017
My New College Column at Cappex
If you like periodically checking out my college blog, I want to alert you to another place where I share my thoughts about college issues. I recently began a college column at Cappex, which is the popular resource for students and parents researching colleges and looking for scholarships. Here is the link to the archive of my new Cappex column...
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January 7, 2013
8 Financial Aid Mistakes to Avoid
It’s extremely easy to make financial aid mistakes. Paula Bishop, a CPA friend of mine in Bellevue, WA., who has filled out countless financial aid forms for clients, tells me that she’s never seen any parent complete a application without at least one mistake. Now that’s depressing and it can also be costly if you insert even one error in...
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