Valuable insights from Lynn O’Shaughnessy
a nationally recognized college expert.
College list
January 11, 2022
Reach, target and safety schools: Don’t slip when creating a smart college list
A critical part of the college search process is creating an excellent list of colleges, which often includes reach, target and safety schools. Families often slip badly on this extremely important yet tricky task of pulling together a solid college list. If a teenager creates a problematic list, parents can easily pay too much money for college. One of the...
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May 21, 2015
Building a College List: A Free Resource
Creating a college list can be intimidating. And it’s no wonder since there is a lot riding on drawing up a solid list of promising colleges and universities. Getting it wrong can lead to students being miserable at their schools. It also is a reason why so many unhappy undergrads end up transferring to different institutions. In extreme cases, creating...
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February 15, 2012
8 Ways to Build A College List
During the last two days on my college blog, I’ve shared ways to generate schools for your college list. Here they are if you missed them: Finding Hidden Gems for Your College List Getting Ideas For a College List Today I’m sharing 8 more ways to search for schools. 1. Use the federal college search engines. The most massive database...
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January 4, 2012
Catholic Universities and Yet Another Botched College List
I’ve been writing posts for my college blog recently about the W-R-O-N-G way to assemble a college list. If you missed them, here are my the posts: Another Dreadful College List Applying to the Wrong Universities Assembling a solid list of schools to apply to is critically important, but I’d argue that the vast majority of teenagers do a lousy...
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January 11, 2010
Top 10 College Websites for Finding Great Schools
Want to research colleges, but not sure where to start? It’s no surprise. When I just typed “college” into Google, I got 634 million college websites. To make your job easier, I’m sharing wonderful websites that can help you assemble a great list of colleges. If you want to research specific colleges, here are my Top 10 College Websites: College...
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