College Blog Roundup: College Ranking Shenanigans, Women’s Colleges and Swine Flu!

Here is my latest weekend roundup of the college blog posts that I wrote this week for

Are Ivy League Schools Fudging Their Numbers?

This is the post that I was most intrigued by because it explored one of my favorite topics — the insane obsession with college rankings. I wrote that some of the statistics that Ivy League universities and other elite schools are submitting  to US News & World Report appear way off base. The misleading numbers make  schools like Stanford and MIT look even better and how can that be necessary?

Ditching Boys: Why Attending a Women’s College is a Great Idea

I was surprised by the flack that I received for a post that I wrote about the virtues of women’s colleges. I shared my own wonderful experience at an all-girls’ high school and I mentioned the latest research about the considerable benefits of attending women’s colleges. A couple of readers hammered me, which you can read if you scroll down to the comments.

Swine Flu Heads to College: 5 Ways to Avoid the Bug

I’m not a medical reporter, but I thought I’d share a snapshot of how colleges are coping with swine flu. I couldn’t believe that some professors at the University of Colorado were telling  swine flu sufferers to drop their classes. What an extreme reaction.

Lynn O’Shaughnessy is the author of The College Solution, an bestseller.

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  1. Talking bout ranking. Sure, university life can be one of life’s richest experiences. IMHO, While thinking which university or school has the most beautiful campus or the highest ranking, however, students should remember that college is both an experience in itself and a building block of their real life structure. So that, they should choose one that takes this latter role seriously….