Valuable insights from Lynn O’Shaughnessy
a nationally recognized college expert.
private loans
August 9, 2010
College Loan Debt Just Passed Credit Card Debt!
Americans now owe more money on their college loans than they do on credit cards. I just read about that scary reality on The Wall Street Journal’s website. According to Mark Kantrowitz, the financial aid guru over at FinAid and Fastweb, Americans owe about $829.7 billion in student loans. In comparison, consumers owe $826.5 billion in revolving credit card debt....
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June 7, 2010
Putting Your College Debt On Hold
I got an email this week from Sharon, a mom who is distraught about her son’s college debt. She was hoping that I had an idea about how he can tackle this debt when he is only working part-time. I did have a suggestion on how the young college grad can reduce his student debt burden. I thought it would...
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