Valuable insights from Lynn O’Shaughnessy
a nationally recognized college expert.
Johns Hopkins University
July 14, 2014
Where to Find the Best College Professors
How do you know if the college or university that your child ultimately attends will provide him or her with an excellent education? You won’t. College pricing is inching closer to transparency thanks to net price calculators, but it’s largely impossible to form an educated opinion about the strength of a school’s learning environment beyond checking an institution’s graduation rates....
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April 16, 2012
The Odds of Getting Off a Wait List
This weekend I heard from old friends who wanted to share with me stories of brilliant students who got shut out of elite universities. At a party on Friday night, a former colleague of my husband’s mentioned that he was stunned that his son’s friend didn’t get into Stanford University. The boy is a stellar student and he only missed...
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January 9, 2012
Getting Bad News From Johns Hopkins
I have been writing college blog posts recently about teenagers who have arguably been applying to the wrong colleges. (Scroll to the bottom to see my three previous posts.) All my posts have involved families who required financial aid, but today I’m sharing the plight of a father who is too wealthy to receive need-based help. Anxious Dad’s Email Here...
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