Valuable insights from Lynn O’Shaughnessy
a nationally recognized college expert.
College visit

April 15, 2013
A Visit to Beloit College
I decided to share a few photos that I took during my weekend trip to Beloit College. My husband and I hadn’t seen our son, Ben, who is finishing up his junior year, since the Christmas break. I apologize in advance for sharing family photos! Our excuse for schlepping to Beloit was to attend the college’s biannual parents committee that...
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November 2, 2011
Showing Colleges a Little Love
I received an email from a high school junior in San Diego recently that prompted me to write this post. The teenager attended one of my talks and heard me mention that one in five colleges say that an applicant’s demonstrated interest is very important in their admission decisions. So what does demonstrated interest mean? Basically I told the teenager...
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September 14, 2011
9 Things You Can Do If You Can’t Visit a College
Do you have to visit a college before you apply? It’s always better if you arrange a college tour and spend quality time at schools before finalizing your list, but financially it’s often not possible. There are things you can do, however, to help you assess whether a college would be a great match while at the same time letting...
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July 18, 2011
Which Colleges Should I Visit?
Is there a strategy to deciding which colleges to visit? I got that question via email from a mom who attended my college workshop over the weekend at the University of California, San Diego. Clearly it’s much more expensive and involved for families out West to visit schools because you can’t just hop in the car and visit a bunch...
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April 14, 2011
Demonstrating College Love
I received an email from a high school junior in San Diego today that prompted me to write this post. The teenager came to hear me talk last night at a presentation hosted by a financial adviser. At one point I mentioned that one in five colleges say that an applicant’s demonstrated interest is very important in their admission decisions....
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April 13, 2010
College Visit: 8 Things You Must Do
It’s college visit season. Juniors are fanning out to visit schools and seniors are on the go too as they visit colleges for the last time before making their final decisions. Too many teenagers and their families zip through college tours. It seems to become a contest of seeing how many colleges they can tour in the shortest period of...
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March 29, 2010
College Visit: 31 Questions You Need to Ask
College visit. Yes, it’s that time of year when high school seniors and juniors are planning college visits during spring break. You can learn a lot during a college visit so you need to make the most of the opportunity. During a campus visit, here are 31 questions that you should ask: College Graduation Track Record What is your four-year...
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October 15, 2009
Asking Questions on a College Tour
My son and I have one more stop this week on his last college tour of schools before he starts applying to his favorites. We arrived in chilly Appleton, WI, tonight and we’re looking forward to touring Lawrence University tomorrow. Ben is one of three million high school seniors who are contemplating their college choices during this admission season. Coincidentally,...
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September 20, 2009
Asking the Right Question at a School Interview
On Thursday evening, I asked my son Ben what he knew about Drew University. “It’s got lots of squirrels,” he shot back. When we visited Drew during a college tour last year we did notice the squirrels on the New Jersey campus that is nestled in a lovely forest. I wanted to be sure, however, that Ben remembered more pertinent...
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July 28, 2009
The Best Way to Visit Colleges
I’m halfway through a scorching college tour with my son Ben. I love visiting colleges, but the relentless weather in Oregon — the temperature reached 105 in Portland today — is insane. I’m thrilled — and I think everybody else is too — when each tour guide herds us all back to the air-conditioned admissions office. This is my second-go-round...
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