Valuable insights from Lynn O’Shaughnessy
a nationally recognized college expert.
Amy Chua

December 2, 2014
Why Affluent Teens Are Miserable
In my experience, high quality, independent test-prep firms produce some of the best college newsletters. One newsletter that I always make sure I read comes from Compass Education Group, which offers test prep in Northern and Southern California. Today I am sharing a thought-provoking post that Matt Steiner, who is Compass Education’s marketing director, originally wrote for the test-prep firm’s...
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January 10, 2011
Asian Students at UCLA, UCSD and UC Berkeley: The Price of Success?
When you look at the race of undergraduates attending the premiere state schools out here in California – UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UCSD — Asian students dominate. At UCSD, for instance, 50% of undergrads are Asian. At UCLA and UC Berkeley the percentage of Asian undergrads are respectively 40% and 42%. In contrast, whites represent 23% of the student body...
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