Valuable insights from Lynn O’Shaughnessy
a nationally recognized college expert.
American University net price calculator

February 14, 2020
Why you need to use college net price calculators
Before you let your teenager apply to colleges, you need to use each college’s net price calculator. Unless money is no object and you can afford to pay full price for any colleges, turning to net price calculators is critical. If you don’t know what these calculators are – and most parents don’t – here are 10 things you need...
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September 28, 2016
Why You MUST Use Net Price Calculators!
Here is what typically happens during college admission season: Students apply to whatever colleges they want without having any clue about whether these schools will give them grants and/or scholarships. Parents are often nervously okay with their children disregarding price when finalizing their lists. The attitude of these moms and dads can be summed up this way: Go ahead and...
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