On Sunday Michelle Kretzschmar at Do It Yourself College Rankings and I launched our summer college webinar series.
We want to thank the hundreds of people who showed up to listen to our webinar and also a big thank you to those who asked questions. Wow. Were there a lot of great questions!
If you didn’t have a chance to tune into the college webinar, I embedded a copy below. The presentation actually begins at 3 minutes, 36 seconds into the video. (For the first few minutes, we had a placeholder screen letting people know that they were in the right spot and to stay tuned.)
If you want to listen to the webinar, Michelle and I gave our presentations for about 40 minutes before opening it up for questions. We finally called it quits after fielding questions for 45 minutes or so.
The two topics that we tackled on the June 2 webinar were:
- The Real Story Behind College Scholarships
- Why College Sticker Prices Are Meaningless
Our First Try At a Webinar
Since we had never tried anything like this before, we didn’t know what to expect. Rather than using a service like GotoMeeting.com, which limits the number of attendees, we patched together Google Hangouts on Air, YouTube and a plug-in from my blog’s Word Press that allowed people to ask questions.
There were some glitches. For instance, the person who was talking was supposed to be automatically bumped up to the main screen, but that didn’t happen. Something to check on for the next time. We learned a lot from our first webinar which should help us provide an even better experience the next time.
Our next college webinar will take place at 6 p.m. West Coast time on June 17. If you’d like to attend just visit my college webinar page at that time.
For those who can’t watch the live webinar, the presentation will be available on my YouTube channel.
Our Next Webinar Topics
If you have suggestions on what topics that Michelle and I should tackle on our next webinar, just email me at Lynn@TheCollegeSolution.com.
College Workshop
I am excited to announce that I will be holding a 3.5 hour college workshop at the University of California, San Diego, on June 22. Here is where you can learn more about this in-depth college workshop where you will discover how to shrink college costs, increase your child’s chances of admission and much, much more.
I have received tremendous feedback from parents whenever I’ve held my UCSD workshops. I hope you can experience first-hand why it’s worth attending!
Awesome stuff Lynn!
Thanks Ken! I’m glad you liked the webinar.
Lynn O’Shaughnessy