Are you freaking out about the price of a bachelor’s degree?
If so, you’ll want to attend one of my upcoming free webinars where I will share 10 easy ways to cut the cost of college.
The two webinars that I had earlier in the summer were so successful – more than 900 people registered – that I’m rolling out a spanking new presentation packed with more college tips.
For your convenience, there is one more date left for my one-hour webinar:
- Sept. 7 (Labor Day) Noon PDT. Register here. (Not everybody will be at a picnic or the beach!)
Inside the Webinar
Here is a sampling of the tips that you’ll learn during the webinar:
- What kind of colleges give the biggest awards.
- What type of schools that are often the stingiest.
- An easy way to determine if you qualify for financial aid.
- Why appealing a merit award letter an save you thousands.
- How to find out what a school will REALLY cost you.
I’ll also reserve some time to answer college questions.
Bonus for Attending
Everyone who attends the webinar will receive the recording.
You’ll also receive my resource guide entitled, the Ultimate List of the Nation’s Most Generous Colleges.
These webinars will also be valuable for college consultants, high school counselors and financial professionals who want to help their families reduce the college-cost burden!
Reserve Your Spot Now
I hope to see you at one of my webinars soon!
Lynn, When is your next seminar on 10 Tips To Cut College Costs? I missed your Labor Day seminar.
Thank you,
Hi Nadine,
Thanks for asking about the webinar.
I am not having anymore webinars for the general public until next year at some time. What I’m focused on now is my course – The College Cost Lab – that starts on Sept. 15. I will be offering four webinars in that class. You can learn more about the course here: http://parentscourse.thecollegesolution.com/parents-class-page-sign-up/
I am sharing the link to my Labor Day webinar. You must download it onto your computer to be able to listen to the entire recording:
Lynn O’Shaughnessy
Hi Lynn,
We tried tried and were unable to join the Labor Day (4 PM EST) webinar, 10 Tips to Cut College Costs webinar we registered for but were unable to access on the link provided link: https://global.gotowebinar.com/join/4221179439434898433/746625870 at 4PM EST Is there any way we can get the information?
We have a daughter starting her junior year tomorrow. She is a solid student (mostly A’s) enrolled in the International Baccalaureate Program at a very rigorous public high school outside of Philadelphia. My husband and I are self-employed, do not earn much money from the business and supplement the business income from rental income from 2 properties we once lived in and now rent in a once rough part of Philadelphia that has gone up in value now that it has become a hipster hotspot thus increasing our “personal assets”. We depend on the rents to live and the properties are our retirement nest egg. How do we deal with this? We do not have much income to spend for college yet, due to the value of the rental properties (one in which my husband maintains his studio), on paper we have these valuable real estate assets which are not liquid assets? What do we do? Please advise.
Thank you,
Lynn, currently OCONUS In ME until 18/09/15 however son is junior this year and want to insure best possible college financing. Will seminars be available once over? Thanks in advance
Hi John,
If you register for my final webinar on Labor Day you will receive the recording. Here is the link to register for my final free webinar:
To learn much more about cutting your college costs, I’d recommend taking my class. Here is more info:
Lynn O’Shaughnessy